About Central Oregon Family Circle
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You are cordially invited to participate in Central Oregon Family Circle. We are a few close Pagan Families trying to organize and meet the social needs of earth centered people in Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties. 
Essentially, we gather to celebrate the turning wheel of the year, most often out in nature and in potluck community style.  COFC hibernates for the winter, but meets almost every month during the warm seasons.  We also offer two to three Esbats and camp outs during the summertime.  
Singles as well as couples and families are welcome to attend.  All of our events are family oriented. 
Building a community of like minds
The primary goal of COFC is a social one - for people to meet others with similar beliefs and interests, build community, and spin off to form more specified groups if desired.  We've also had requests from the majority of our membership for ritual services.  Therefore, circle is most often planned for gatherings and attendance is optional.  Several of our members take turns leading, so it is a wonderful opportunity to observe different styles and traditions.  Worship is a relaxing or energizing experience (depending on the purpose) and you are always welcome to participate.
Another goal of Central Oregon Family Circle is for us to share ideas and knowledge. We strive to learn from one another. Different perspectives are welcome and only serve to enrich the diversity of our group!
We hope you will consider attending some of our events in the near future.  We do ask you to always RSVP before attending.  For more information or to RSVP, please e-mail our Web Mistress, Terra Sands at:
Contributing Membership:
To help cover costs of our gatherings, i.e. facility rentals, food and paper good supplies, materials for activities and rituals, etc. adults are asked to pay a suggested drop-in contribution fee of five dollars each at gatherings.  People who plan to attend often are encouraged to pay a ONE TIME A YEAR Event Fee of nine dollars per single, thirteen dollars per couple and twenty dollars per family instead of the drop-in fee.  If financial need dictates, the one time a year fee can be broken down into payments.  Please talk to our Treasurer, Sabo if you are in need of scheduling payments.   
Supporting Membership:
Supporting membership is by private invitation by the Core Families, and those members are able to attend all "Open" and COFC "Members Only" events.  Newcomers to the circle are considered for supporting membership twice a year.
Please inform any other earth centered people whom you think may enjoy building a social support system about Central Oregon Family Circle.
In love & Light,
COFC Core Families and Elemental Council