Central Oregon Family
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  Central Oregon Family | About Central Oregon Family | Guest Book | Calendar of Events | Seasonal | Sites of Interest | Rituals  

Central Oregon Family

Welcome to the Home Page of Central Oregon Family Circle. This website was built for contributing, supportive and non members alike.  Stay a while and cruise around the site.  Come back as often as you like.  Please refer to our calendar section to see the types of activities we do as a group year round.  As a site in progress, we would appreciate any suggestions you may have for improvement.

COFC is a social organization which strives to assist Earth Centered families, couples and singles to build friendships and community.  Our members are a mix of Earth Centered Paths (most of us are Eclectic though), gender and age.  We celebrate these differences and all those who follow a right handed path are welcome to participate in the circle.

If you live in Central Oregon and would like more information, to attend gatherings or get
involved, please e-mail us at:

